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Wednesday 23 December 2020

7 Signs of God, that God is with you!

When God is with us, He gives many signs, although some people recognize that sign and some people do not recognize it. Sometimes we pass the test of God unconsciously when we do not even know that God is with us. First of all, we do not choose God, God always chooses us.

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Signs that God is with you!

1. You will feel strange to hear this, but you will get failure in whatever big or small work you do in your life. You will not get success in that work, although you were working very hard on it. And it will happen to you again and again.

2. When these things will happen to you, your faith will be completely gone. Slowly You will lose all your confidence and belief which is inside you.

3. When you will get failure even after hard work, you will see darkness everywhere, Because everyone will question your ability and your hard work, it will feel like this is the end of your life.

These first three signs are actually the beginning of your test. God first taught us how to lose. Because you will not win God until you are defeated badly.

4. When you lose all hope, a search originates in your mind through which you find yourself. When you try to find the reason for all the failures and then in that search here you join yourself. Because of which your character and behaviour will change. You will become quite silent, you will reduce the response to everything.

5. Now you will always like to be in self-control. You will not have any problem with the success or failure of the work. Nobody's words will matter. Because you will appreciate internal happiness and peace more rather than the emotions of the outside world.

6. Now you will get the biggest shock of your life, it can come in any form to break you. You will feel for some time that there is no God. Because God will test you that whatever you have learned, you will not leave it after this shock.

7. And if you are still stable even after the biggest sock,  God will give you something that you never expected in your entire life. That's the moment of miracle.
At this point, it will be proved that God was there with you always.


  1. Great ...well explained.. appreciate the above mentioned words !

  2. Happy to read... Elaborated wonderfully... Keep writing dear.

  3. Nice write-up. Very beautifully explained!

  4. True... able to correlate ... Hare Krishna !!! Hare Krishna!!! Hare Krishna !!! Hare Hare .... Hare Ram !!! Hare Ram !!! Ram Ram Hare Hare

  5. Karmmanye va adhikaarasthe. You have no right to demand fruit of your deeds.
    Try to like or love the failures in your life. when you start enjoying your failures you will start loving your life. Then the occasional success will be more tasty.


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