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Monday 14 December 2020

Indian (Bhartiya) Story Around Solar and Lunar Eclipses

While we know that both the Sun and the lunar eclipse are astronomical phenomena (even the Indian scientist Aryabhatta gave the correct scientific description for the eclipse in the fifth century), there are many popular stories about eclipses in many countries around the world.

The Story of The Sun, the Moon, and the demon Rahu and Ketu :

The story of eclipses in Hindu mythology dates back to the Samudra Manthan, as described in the Bhagwat Purana and Vishnu Purana. A sizable portion of the 35th chapter of the Bhagavata Purana is devoted to narrating a fable as to why Rahu and Ketu are responsible for all the solar and lunar eclipses.

Initially, at some stage, the gods and the demons were engaged in a great war over a very long period. Lord Visnu persuaded both the gods and demons for a temporary peace so that the ocean in its entirety could be churned and both devas and the asuras could benefit from what the sea. The great mountains did the work of churning. The gods, led by Indra, grabbed the tail of Vasuki (the king of snakes), while the Vali-led demons hold Vasuki's mouth (Who was used as a rope to churn the sea). As a result of this churn, the oldest extract was the terrible poison, Hawala. Lord Shiva consumed it voluntarily, but he held it in his throat, the reason why Shiva is also known as Nilakantha. Then out came Surabhi, Kaustubha, Parijata, Laksmi, the Moon, Varuni (the goddess of wine).

And finally emerged Dhanvantari (the originator of medicine) with a pot of Amrita. The demons ran away with nectar (Amritam). Lord Vishnu then transformed himself into Mohini (a beautiful woman), working in the interest of the gods. Astonished by her beauty, the demons offered the Amrit to Mohini and asked her to distribute the nectar amongst themselves as she was found to be an appropriate person. Then Mohini (Lord Vishnu) started distributing Amrit to the gods only. One of the demons named Swarbhanu disguised himself as a Gods and sat between the Sun and the Moon for a drink of the elixir. When Mohini (Lord Vishnu) came closer to Demon Swarbhanu to give him Amrit  The sun and the Moon revealed that Sharvabhanu is actually a demon. But By this time, however, Swarbhanu had drunk a drop of Amrit. Then Lord Vishnu immediately chopped off Demon Swarbhanu's head with his Sudarshan Chakra.

Since the demon Swarbhanu had already swallowed a drop of the nectar, his head and body became immortal. But both body and head were separated. The head, known as a separate entity called Rahu, and the detached body came to be known as Ketu.

Since then Rahu has not forgiven the Sun and the Moon. And this is the reason why, as has been depicted in the style of Pauranik description, every once in a while Rahu swallows the Sun or the Moon and being trunkless he cannot hold either the Sun or the Moon for long, and they come out safely after a while  and we witness the solar and the lunar eclipses. Since then, Rahu (Head) has become accepted as the eighth planet and Ketu (Body) is known as Dhumketu.

A solar eclipse finds mention in the Mahabharata, where Lord Krishna skillfully uses his knowledge of eclipse predictions to save the life of Arjuna, the great warrior. The accuracy with which eclipses have been predicted is incredible. In the Indian almanacs, the time at which an eclipse begins, at which it peaks, and when its ends have all been given. This entire period of an eclipse is called the parvakala.

Do and don't do during Solar or Lunar eclipses:

1. Worshipping or touching gods is strictly prohibited during this period. Even temple doors usually stay closed during eclipses. After the eclipse ends, the idols are supposed to be washed with Ganga water to purify them.

2. The rules dictate that no food should be cooked during the eclipse. Some people in India leave tulsi on cooked food items and cover them to keep them safe.

3. Sleeping, sexual intercourse, and makeup are also prohibited during the eclipse.

4.Pregnant women are considered to be especially susceptible to the evil forces during eclipses.

5. After the eclipse is over, Sprinkling of Ganga water or taking a dip in the Ganga is also supposed to wash away the evil done by the eclipse.

1 comment:

  1. Hindu mythology is not just story it's scientifically proven experiments but said in story form..


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