Shree Hanuman is also called Anjaneya due to being Mata Anjani's son.
Bharat Itihasa Shares antique of India along with Vedic Sciences and its rich culture. It also brings several Historical (Mythological) Stories from Vedas, Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
The Story Behind Birth of Lord Hanuman
Monday, 28 December 2020
Shiv Lingam - The real meaning of Shiv Lingam!
The meaning of the Sanskrit word Lingam is Symbol. In the same way, Sivalingam signifies the symbol of lord shiva.
Meaning of Shiv Lingam!
Shiva Lingam is not just a simple symbol. You can see the smallest form of nature in the form of Shiva Lingam, it represents the atomic structure. As per sage Veda Vyasa (The writer of Mahabharat), Lord Shiva is greater than anything greatest and also Lord Shiva is smaller than subatomic particles like Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. Shiva Lingam represents the entire cosmos and the cosmos is in the shape of the ellipsoid. And that ellipsoid represents neither the beginning nor the end.Even Swami Vivekananda had described Shiva Lingam as a symbol of eternal Brahma. As per the scientist, Niels Bohr,s scientific research shows that " The molecules are made up of atoms that consist of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons which performs an important role in the structure of Shiva Lingam.
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Laxmi Purana (Manabasa Gurubara) - The Story of Curse by Goddess Laxmi to her Husband Lord Jagannath
Manabasa Gurubara is a festival celebrated by all Odia Hindus across the globe in the Month of November/ December (Margasira month in Odia Calendar).
What is Manabasa Gurubar (Thursday) :
Story of Laxmi Purana -
Laxmi Purana was written by poet Balrama Das in 15th-century. Laxmi Purana is a story of a woman’s self-respect and will. It also equality tells about social harmony related to the caste system.Then Goddess Laxmi visited a Low caste poor Chandal woman named Shriya. Shriya had cleaned her poor hut, drawn Jhoti-Chita on her front door and has performed Laxmi Puja with fruits, flowers and humble offerings. By seeing this Goddess Laxmi was so pleased that she entered into the little hut and accepted Prasad that the poor women had offered her. The Chandal woman Shriya was surprised, seeing the goddess Laxmi inside her poor house, then Goddess Laxmi blessed her with unlimited wealth, health and success.
Lord Jagannath has opposed his brother. He tried to convince him, promising that he will tell Laxmi not to visit the houses of persons of lower-caste in future. However, Lord Balabhadra was adamant. Finally, Lord Jagannath was convinced by his brother. Lord Jagannath said to Godess Laxmi, You can no longer stay in this holy temple. You have to go away.”
Godess Laxmi was insulted, angry and hurt, then she removed all her jewellery and left the Temple. Going away, Godess Laxmi said to Lord Jagannath, “No man should ever insult his wife like this, so I curse you that you will starve. You will suffer and unless I command so, you cannot eat again”.
After leaving Lord Jagannath’s Temple, a furious Godess Laxmi summons Lord Vishwakarma and ordered him to build her a new palace, which Vishwakarma immediately followed.
Finally, the destitute brothers, suffering from days of hunger and thirst, unknowingly arrived at the very same palace that Laxmi had built. The servents of Godess Laxmi asked Lord Jagannath and Lord Balabhadra, “ whether they will accept food from a Chandal woman’s home.” Both Lord Jagannath and Lord Balabhadra, unable to bear the hunger anymore, and said, “Yes, we will. please provide us with grains and wood with some utensils. We will cook our food.” The servents gave the things to them. Then Godess Laxmi prayed “Hey Agni Dev (The Lord of Fire) if the Lord and his brother get to eat now, no man will respect their wife on this universe. If people were to be taught to value their women and practise balance, these brothers must be taught a lesson”. Then as a consequence, despite repeated attempts, Both Lord Jagannath and Lord Balabhadra could not even light the fire to cook.
Then Lord Balabhadra said to Lord Jagannath "Let’s go to the palace of that Chandal woman for some food. Let’s ignore the caste We need to survive.” Then again Both Lord Jagannath and Lord Balabhadra begged to the attendants of Goddess Laxmi to give them food. Goddess Laxmi ordered the servants to invite the brothers in and offer them a meal. Godess Laxmi then entered into the kitchen herself and cooked the dishes that Lord Jagannath loved. She kept sending the dishes as the servants served the brothers. In the end, Lord Jagannath realised that the food tasted like Laxmi’s cooking. The brothers eventually realised that they have walked into Laxmi’s palace. Lord Balabradra then told his brother, “We committed a grave sin by hurting Laxmi. Please go, hold the hands of your wife and plead her for forgiveness.”
Popular Movie Jai Jagannath Based on Laxmi Puran (Hindi)
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
7 Signs of God, that God is with you!
When God is with us, He gives many signs, although some people recognize that sign and some people do not recognize it. Sometimes we pass the test of God unconsciously when we do not even know that God is with us. First of all, we do not choose God, God always chooses us.
Signs that God is with you!
1. You will feel strange to hear this, but you will get failure in whatever big or small work you do in your life. You will not get success in that work, although you were working very hard on it. And it will happen to you again and again.At this point, it will be proved that God was there with you always.
Sunday, 20 December 2020
What Srimad Bhagavad Gita says on food ! Chapter-17
Here Lord Krishna describes which food is good for our health on chapter 17 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Food has a direct effect on our intelligence.
You choose your life according to your own nature. You can figure out the nature of a human according to their hymns and food. There are three types of worship, penance and charity. Even the food that each person eats is of three types according to nature. Such as Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasic.
Satvik food that extends life, purifies life and imparts strength and satiety. This type of food is heart-healthy and gives peace to your mind. Satvik food is made for the use of the human body and not for tasty food. Satvik food is very vegetarian food, which connects us to spirituality.
When vegetarian food is cooked with bitter, highly sour, salty, chilli, sugar i.e. more spices etc. it is known as Rajasic food. Eating Rajasic food seems tasty, but such food produces ill health and depression.
The food which is undercooked, foul-smelling and rancid is Tamasic food. The carnivore is also included in the Tamasic diet because man's body is not made for meat, because it takes a long time to digest this food. Tamasic food and stale food aggravate diseases. That is, it should be eaten within three hours of cooking. Tamasic food also upsets your mind. If Rajasic food is home to the sick, then you can understand how much harm the body will suffer from tamasic food.
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Shiva Dhanush (Bow) it's Origin and Why Ravana could not lift !
It is said that Ravana once lifted Mount Kailash, so the question often comes in people's mind that when Ravana could lift Mount Kailash, how could he not lift Shiva's bow!
Origin Of Shiv Dhanush!
A chaupaee ( चौपाई ) comes in Ram Charitmanas :
Ravana was arrogant. He could have raised Mount Kailash but was not even move the bow. One went to Dhanush with the boast of an egoistic and powerful man. As Ravana used his bow to power, that bow became heavier and heavier. All the kings there were defeated by their power and arrogance.
When Shri Ram's turn came, he thought that it is not an ordinary bow but a bow of Lord Shiva. Then Lord Ram bow down in front of the Dhanush with meditating on Lord Shiva, Then he circled the fire and gave it full respect. The heaviness of the bow has automatically disappeared in front of Lord Shriram's modesty and tenderness, and he lovingly raised the bow and climbed his bow and broke the Bow itself.
Monday, 14 December 2020
Indian (Bhartiya) Story Around Solar and Lunar Eclipses
While we know that both the Sun and the lunar eclipse are astronomical phenomena (even the Indian scientist Aryabhatta gave the correct scientific description for the eclipse in the fifth century), there are many popular stories about eclipses in many countries around the world.
The Story of The Sun, the Moon, and the demon Rahu and Ketu :
The story of eclipses in Hindu mythology dates back to the Samudra Manthan, as described in the Bhagwat Purana and Vishnu Purana. A sizable portion of the 35th chapter of the Bhagavata Purana is devoted to narrating a fable as to why Rahu and Ketu are responsible for all the solar and lunar eclipses.
Initially, at some stage, the gods and the demons were engaged in a great war over a very long period. Lord Visnu persuaded both the gods and demons for a temporary peace so that the ocean in its entirety could be churned and both devas and the asuras could benefit from what the sea. The great mountains did the work of churning. The gods, led by Indra, grabbed the tail of Vasuki (the king of snakes), while the Vali-led demons hold Vasuki's mouth (Who was used as a rope to churn the sea). As a result of this churn, the oldest extract was the terrible poison, Hawala. Lord Shiva consumed it voluntarily, but he held it in his throat, the reason why Shiva is also known as Nilakantha. Then out came Surabhi, Kaustubha, Parijata, Laksmi, the Moon, Varuni (the goddess of wine).
And finally emerged Dhanvantari (the originator of medicine) with a pot of Amrita. The demons ran away with nectar (Amritam). Lord Vishnu then transformed himself into Mohini (a beautiful woman), working in the interest of the gods. Astonished by her beauty, the demons offered the Amrit to Mohini and asked her to distribute the nectar amongst themselves as she was found to be an appropriate person. Then Mohini (Lord Vishnu) started distributing Amrit to the gods only. One of the demons named Swarbhanu disguised himself as a Gods and sat between the Sun and the Moon for a drink of the elixir. When Mohini (Lord Vishnu) came closer to Demon Swarbhanu to give him Amrit The sun and the Moon revealed that Sharvabhanu is actually a demon. But By this time, however, Swarbhanu had drunk a drop of Amrit. Then Lord Vishnu immediately chopped off Demon Swarbhanu's head with his Sudarshan Chakra.
Since the demon Swarbhanu had already swallowed a drop of the nectar, his head and body became immortal. But both body and head were separated. The head, known as a separate entity called Rahu, and the detached body came to be known as Ketu.
Since then Rahu has not forgiven the Sun and the Moon. And this is the reason why, as has been depicted in the style of Pauranik description, every once in a while Rahu swallows the Sun or the Moon and being trunkless he cannot hold either the Sun or the Moon for long, and they come out safely after a while and we witness the solar and the lunar eclipses. Since then, Rahu (Head) has become accepted as the eighth planet and Ketu (Body) is known as Dhumketu.
A solar eclipse finds mention in the Mahabharata, where Lord Krishna skillfully uses his knowledge of eclipse predictions to save the life of Arjuna, the great warrior. The accuracy with which eclipses have been predicted is incredible. In the Indian almanacs, the time at which an eclipse begins, at which it peaks, and when its ends have all been given. This entire period of an eclipse is called the parvakala.
Do and don't do during Solar or Lunar eclipses:
1. Worshipping or touching gods is strictly prohibited during this period. Even temple doors usually stay closed during eclipses. After the eclipse ends, the idols are supposed to be washed with Ganga water to purify them.
2. The rules dictate that no food should be cooked during the eclipse. Some people in India leave tulsi on cooked food items and cover them to keep them safe.
3. Sleeping, sexual intercourse, and makeup are also prohibited during the eclipse.
4.Pregnant women are considered to be especially susceptible to the evil forces during eclipses.
5. After the eclipse is over, Sprinkling of Ganga water or taking a dip in the Ganga is also supposed to wash away the evil done by the eclipse.
Saturday, 12 December 2020
Birth of Ravana
Ravana was a king of Lanka (Currently Sri Lanka) and the chief antagonist in the epic Valmiki Ramayana. Ravana was born to great sage Vishrava (Vesamuni son of Pulastya ), and his wife, the Demon princess Kaikesi in the Treta Yuga.
In the present time, The local people of Bisrakh village claim their village to be the birthplace of the devil king Ravana. Bisrakh is a village that is located around 10 km away from Greater Noida, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The birthdate Of Ravana is estimated between 5224 BCE and 5104 BCE (Around 7200-7100 years ago).
Birth Story Of Ravana
According to Valmiki Ramayana, There used to be a Demon named Shukesh. He had three demon sons named Malyavan, Mali, and Somali.
After this, there was a war with Lord Vishnu. There was only Sumali left in that war and he left Lanka and went to Hades (paataal lok) with his daughter Kaikesi. Now Kubera (Son of Sage Vishrava and his first wife Ilaavida) established his kingdom in Lanka.
To save his Demon Dynasty, Sumali asked his daughter Kaikasi to go to Sage Vishrava (son of Pulastya and father of Kubera) and asked her to marry Sage Vishrava. Because Sumali thought "If the next generation will come from a sage, that child will be more powerful". Then Kaikasi immediately went to the sage Vishrava with her own marriage proposal. Sage Vishrava also agreed to marry her but he told Kaikasi "When you came, that was a wrong time, as per astrology it is an indication of a Demon will take birth, but our last child will be a Saint". Then Kaikesi said, "I don't think a sage-like you would make a demon".
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Gayatri Mantra - Benefits ,Origin, Pronunciation and Meaning
Gayatri Mantra is one of the most influencing mantras of Rigveda. This is the 10th mantras of 62nd sukta of 3rd Mandal of Rigveda.
Gayatri Mantra dispels negative mindsets that drain your energy repeatedly and moves us from darkness to Light. Gayatri Mantra is very beneficial for students (If they chant it every day).
Origin of Gayatri Mantra
The Origin of Gayatri Mantra has traced back to sage Vishwamitra's enlightenment. The first Chapter of Ramayana is called as Bala Kanda, it holds the life story of Sage Vishwamitra. Sargas 51 to 65 of Bala Kanda describe the life of Sage Vishwamitra and the struggles he had to face on his path of Enlightenment. It is narrated by King Janaka's (Father of Goddess Sita) minister Shatananda to Lord Ram.
Sage Vishwamitra was once a proud and valiant king of the Kusha Dynasty. As he was patrolling the country with an Akshauhini Sena (An Army of 21870 elephants, 21870 chariots, 65610 cavalry, and 109350-foot soldiers ) he came across Sage Vasishth's Aashram.
After enjoyed the hospitality of Vasishta, Vishwamitra was impressed with the divine cow named Shabala. That cow was the chief provider of sustenance in Vashishtha's Ashram.
Then Vishwamitra asked Sage Vasishta to trade that cow for enormous riches, But Sage Vasishta refused to do so. In his humiliation and in a rage to defeat Sage Vasishtha, he (Vishwamitra ) decided to become a Sage.
In his misguided journey towards enlightenment, Vishwamitra went through many obstacles. Vishwamitra repeatedly lost the energy he gathered and he tried many times to become a Brahma Rushi (Sage).
Finally, after many attempts, he was blessed with the knowledge of Brahma (Which pacified the need for revenge within him). Then Vishwamitra realized and offered the Gayatri Mantra to the entire world.
Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
The words in Gayatri Mantra, mention the brilliance of the God Sun, savitr, who is masculine is the source of life and It also denotes Devi Gayatri, the Mother Goddess, who is the embodiment of feminine energy, which gave birth to the cosmos. It also has a yantra, which holds three sounds corresponding to the three Goddesses, Kali, Laxmi, and Saraswati.
Few meanings of sounds from Gayatri Mantra- Om Is the sound of Divine. Bhu represents the Bhu Loka (Earth), Bhuvah means the Antariksha Loka (Space), Suvaha means Swarga Loka (The Higher plane of Existence). The word Loka means which we see. Dheemahi means we meditate upon. And so on. In simple language, the meaning of Gayatri Mantra is
|| ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥
"We Meditate upon the highest brilliance of the source of life, Which may propel our minds from the material world to subtler planes of Existence".
It is also true that chanting mantras in the wrong way over a long period of time will cause harm. However, that doesn't mean we have to restrict ourselves from learning or chanting the Mantra.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Om, Its Meaning and Importance
ॐ / Om (AUM) this is the sound of the divine, that reverberates within the human body, and in the same way, across all creation.
There is something which is created, and the creator is within the created (In simple language, the source of creation is within every single thing that is created). This life force exhibit itself, as the aspects of creation, maintenance and destruction within the human body.
The sounds attached with these are aa, uu and mmm. These three sounds aa, uu and mmm referred to as the basic sounds or the Universal sounds. These sounds are manifest inside the human body, just below the navel, at the chest and then above the throat. It starts from just beneath the navel and ends at the tip of the noes. These three sounds when uttered together, form the sound OM.
OM in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Lord Krishna says this many times in Bhagavad Gita.Such as,In 7th chapter (Vijnana Yoga) he says, ||...Aham pranavah sarva vedeshu...||, that means I am Prana among all knowledge.
In the 9th chapter (Raja-Vidya-Raja-Guhya Yoga) he says, ||...Aham Vedyam pavitram Ommkarah...||, that means I am the pure sound of OM that is to be realized.
In the 10th chapter (Vibhuti-Vistara Yoga) he says, ||...Giramasmyekamaksharam...||, that means I'm the single undestroyable sound, which is Omkara.
OM in Different Culture
Many cultures have tried to express Om in their own nomenclature. Om is chanted as Amen in Christianity and Ameen in Islam.Benefits of Chanting OM
Om calms the mind, It brings a lot of peace. It helps to control the anger by building up the tolerance level. Chanting Om also helps to bring in positive vibrations in our body. The vibration that occurs when chanting OM is very good for the spine. The sound produced while chanting Om is also said to be beneficial for the thyroid gland. By Chanting Om helps to stay youthful for longer. It detoxifies the body, clears out all the harmful toxins and keeps it fresh and clean.Chanting Om also beneficial for depression, it helps us to have a stress-free mind and it relaxes us in and out.
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